Travis Air Force Base
“It's only a matter of time until the Benicia to Travis jet fuel pipeline will break again!"
Remove The Pipeline
Join us to remove the leaky hazardous pipeline before another tragedy happens. The last time it broke a major spill polluted the adjacent wetlands. All it takes is an earthquake or water hammer effect. Sensitive wet lands next to Travis may be ruined again and worse.
In the event of a leak the highly volatile air force jet fuel can explode just like the San Bruno pipeline blaze. Air Force jet fuel is different than airline passenger jet fuel because it is oily to the touch and lasts longer on surfaces making it more difficult to clean up.
Travis Air Force Base is an air fueling base. Without the pipline the base serves no purpose. Removal of the pipline without replacement means the base will move to the likes of Fairchild in Spokane. This is key to enable bigger park to become reality.
The Moscarelli Study
For students win a free prize. Read the Moscarelli Study and then watch the water hammer video. From the formula in the video calculate the water hammer effect of the Travis Pipeline and get a free county fair prize. Email us your response and shipping address and we will send you the fun country fair prize. Send answers to
Click on the "Free Stuff" tab to see the prizes you can win. Plus everyone gets a military challenge coin too. Everyone wins. Everyone gets a share. See the movie, Catch 22 to learn about the origins of the Air Corp Procurment.
Hint: Use 24 miles for the pipeline distance and 6 inches inches for the diameter of the pipeline, and 250 gallon per minute velocity. Good Luck!
The Physics of a Water Hammer
Water hammer is the result of a pressure surge, or high-pressure shockwave that propagates through a piping system when a fluid in motion is forced to change direction or stop abruptly. Video explaining the water hammer effect below. ​